
talks and posters in reverse chronological order.

  1. Single Ni ions hosted in zeolites as active sites for selective dimerization of butenes
    Laura Löbbert, Rachit Khare, Maricruz Sanchez-Sanchez and Johannes A. Lercher
    20th International Zeolite Conference
    Valencia, Spain (July 2022)
  2. Zeolite-encapsulated molybdenum sulfide clusters activate and stabilize hydrogen in the form of hydride species
    Rachit Khare, Roland Weindl, Andreas Jentys and Johannes A. Lercher
    55th German Catalysis Conference
    Weimar, Germany (27-29 June 2022)
  3. Hydrothermal stability of Cu-SSZ-39 compared to Cu-SSZ-13 in NH3-SCR of NOx
    Mirjam Wenig, Rachit Khare, Andreas Jentys and Johannes A. Lercher
    27th North American Catalysis Society Meeting
    New York, USA (May 2022)
  4. Zeolite encapsulated molybdenum sulfide clusters mimicking the nitrogenase enzyme’s active site
    Roland Weindl, Rachit Khare, Hui Shi and Johannes A. Lercher
    27th North American Catalysis Society Meeting
    New York, USA (May 2022)
  5. Nature of active sites in Cu-exchanged small pore zeolites during NH3-SCR: An operando X-ray absorption spectroscopy study
    Rachit Khare, Mirjam Wenig, Hui Shi and Johannes A. Lercher
    27th North American Catalysis Society Meeting
    New York, USA (May 2022)
  6. Zeolite-encapsulated molybdenum sulfide clusters activate and stabilize hydrogen in the form of hydride species
    Rachit Khare, Roland Weindl, Andreas Jentys and Johannes A. Lercher
    33rd German Zeolite Conference
    Frankfurt, Germany (March 2022)
  7. Nature of active sites in Cu-exchanged small pore zeolites during selective catalytic reduction of nitrogen oxides with ammonia
    Rachit Khare, Mirjam Wenig, Andreas Jentys and Johannes A. Lercher
    8th UK Catalysis Conference
    Loughborough, UK (January 2022)
  8. Zeolite stabilized molybdenum sulfide clusters activate hydrogen as hydride species and form stable catalytic hydrogenation sites
    Roland Weindl, Rachit Khare, Andreas Jentys and Johannes A. Lercher
    8th UK Catalysis Conference
    Loughborough, UK (January 2022)
  9. Effect of Ni loading and Brønsted acidity on the performance of FAU zeolites in butene dimerization
    L. Löbbert, Rachit Khare, Ricardo Bermejo deVal, Maricruz Sanchez-Sanchez and Johannes A. Lercher
    54th German Catalysis Conference
    Weimar, Germany (March 2021)
  10. Development of operando reaction cell for simultaneous measurement of UV-Vis DRS and XAS at P64/65
    European XFEL and DESY User Meeting
    Hamburg, Germany (January 2021)
  11. Monitoring the dynamic nature of active sites in Cu-exchanged zeolites during selective catalytic reduction of NOx using operando X-ray absorption spectroscopy
    Rachit Khare, Mirjam Wenig, Andreas Jentys and Johannes A. Lercher
    Conference on Operando Characterization of Catalysts at Work
    Online (December 2020)
  12. Monitoring the dynamic nature of active sites in Cu-exchanged zeolites during selective catalytic reduction of NOx using operando X-ray absorption spectroscopy
    Rachit Khare, Mirjam Wenig, Ricardo Bermejo Val, Andreas Jentys and Johannes A. Lercher
    17th International Congress on Catalysis
    San Diego, USA (June 2020)
  13. A mechanistic study of selective partial photo-oxidation of primary and secondary alcohols to aldehydes and ketones under visible light illumination on graphitic carbon nitride
    53rd German Catalysis Conference
    Weimar, Germany (March 2020)
  14. Monitoring structural changes in MoxSy phase encaged within the confinement of zeolites via HERFD-XAS and VtC-XES measured under sulfidation/hydrogenation conditions
    Rachit Khare, Roland Weindl, Hui Shi, Andreas Jentys and Johannes A. Lercher
    ESRF User Meeting
    Grenoble, France (February 2020)
  15. Nature of Cu active species in small pore zeolites during NH3-SCR
    European XFEL and DESY User Meeting
    Hamburg, Germany (January 2020)
  16. Monitoring structural changes in MoxSy phase encaged within the confinement of zeolites via HERFD-XAS and VtC-XES measured under sulfidation/hydrogenation conditions
    Rachit Khare, Roland Weindl, Hui Shi, Andreas Jentys and Johannes A. Lercher
    EBS Workshop on X-ray Emission Spectroscopy
    Grenoble, France (December 2019)
  17. Selective partial oxidation of C1-C3 alcohols to aldehydes/ketones on graphitic carbon nitride under visible light illumination
    52nd German Catalysis Conference
    Weimar, Germany (March 2019)
  18. Catalytic consequences of the dual aromatics- and olefins-based cycles on light olefin selectivity in methanol to hydrocarbons conversion
    Rachit Khare, Andrew Hwang and Aditya Bhan
    16th International Congress on Catalysis
    Beijing, China (July 2016)
  19. Enhancing light olefin selectivity in methanol-to-hydrocarbons conversion by cofeeding oxygenates
    Rachit Khare, Sukaran Singh Arora and Aditya Bhan
    251st American Chemical Society National Meeting
    San Diego, USA (March 2016)
  20. Enhancing light olefin selectivity in methanol-to-hydrocarbons conversion by co-feeding oxygenates
    Rachit Khare, Sukaran Singh Arora and Johannes A. Lercher
    251st American Chemical Society National Meeting
    San Diego, USA (March 2016)
  21. Zeolites with nanometer diffusion lengths: Mechanistic implications in shape selective catalytic conversion of methanol to hydrocarbons
    Dean Millar, Rachit Khare and Aditya Bhan
    International Chemical Congress of Pacific Basin Societies
    Honolulu, USA (December 2015)
  22. Methanol-to-hydrocarbons conversion: Effects of crystallite size and intrinsic mechanistic behavior of MFI
    Rachit Khare, Dean Millar and Aditya Bhan
    Gordon Research Conference on Nanoporous Materials
    Holderness, USA (August 2015)
  23. A mechanistic basis for the effects of crystallite size on light olefin selectivity in methanol-to-hydrocarbons conversion on MFI
    Rachit Khare, Dean Millar and Aditya Bhan
    24th North American Catalysis Society Meeting
    Pittsburgh, USA (June 2015)
  24. A mechanistic basis for the effects of crystallite size on light olefin selectivity in methanol-to-hydrocarbons conversion on MFI
    Rachit Khare, Dean Millar and Aditya Bhan
    American Institute of Chemical Engineers Annual Meeting
    Atlanta, USA (November 2014)
  25. A mechanistic basis for the effects of crystallite size on light olefin selectivity in methanol-to-hydrocarbons conversion on MFI
    Rachit Khare, Dean Millar and Aditya Bhan
    Gordon Research Conference on Nanoporous Materials
    New London, USA (August 2014)
  26. Kinetics and mechanisms of aromatic methylation and dealkylation in methanol-to-hydrocarbons conversion on HZSM-5: What are the aromatics precursors to light olefins?
    Samia Ilias, Ian M. Hill, Rachit Khare and Aditya Bhan
    American Institute of Chemical Engineers Annual Meeting
    San Francisco, USA (November 2013)
  27. Combined thermal and solar power generation. What does it bring for the future?
    Rachit Khare
    8th Indo-German Winter Academy
    Roorkee, India (December 2009)
  28. Arsenic removal from drinking water using electrocoagulation and optimization of its parameters using response surface methodology
    Rachit Khare, Shubham Sharma, Ankit Kumar and I.M. Mishra
    Students’ Congress of Indian Institute of Chemical Engineers
    Roorkee, India (September 2009)